Leo Creek Preserve


Leo Creek Preserve

An outdoor learning laboratory, nature preserve and botanical garden in Suttons Bay, Michigan


The mission of Leo Creek Preserve is to use its unique creek, forest, and agricultural spaces to bring nature into people’s everyday lives, to provide an outdoor learning laboratory to enjoy and to investigate soil, water and woodland ecology, to learn about soil regenerating and carbon sequestration practices, and to bring art into natural areas.. We value strengthening our connection to the natural world and bringing people together to work towards a beautiful, healthy, productive and regenerating environment, and sharing its abundance. 

Ellen and Pine, creek clan alumni, visiting Leo Creek from Portland and Seattle

How tall, how old, how much carbon does this White Pine store? Foresters Kama Ross and Lynn Baker, and arborist Bo Burke came to answer these questions for 50 kids in two visiting classrooms. Bo climbed and measured the tree so the kids could calculate the carbon stored themselves.

Answer: 6,677 pounds of carbon

Carbon Dioxide sequestered: 24,505 pounds.

New to Leo Creek Preserve: Perennial Plant Sale

Email us for the current list of availability or connect with us in the garden.

kids with flower bouquets
Wednesday flowers for Medilodge
White Pine Gateway
Class from Suttons Bay Public Schools
Mark Smith photo
Mark Smith photo

Leo Creek Preserve is proud to be collaborating with the following nonprofit organizations:

Traverse Area Recreational Trails (TART)

The Leelanau Conservancy

Inland Seas Educational Association

Email: leocreekpreserve@gmail.com

Find us on Google map
